Hormone Replacement Therapy

hrt How hormone replacement therapy can help you

Hormone replacement therapy, also known as HRT, is an important type of treatment to replenish hormone levels that are diminished from menopause and other conditions. Having adequate hormone levels is vital to feeling and looking healthy.

When you might need hormone replacement therapy

When a woman is going through menopause, her body goes through tremendous changes, including:

  • Hair thinning, or hair loss
  • Temperature regulation, including experiencing hot flashes and night sweats
  • Loss of collagen and elasticity, which can make your skin look older, cause sagging, and other changes
  • Metabolism fluctuations, which can cause you to gain weight
  • Loss of bone density, which can lead to osteoporosis and increasing the likelihood of broken bones
  • Sleep disturbances, which can make it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep
  • Memory problems, resulting in a decreased performance at work, problems with focus, and other issues
  • Mood fluctuations, leading to an inability to deal with stress, emotional outbursts, and other changes
  • Lower sex drive, which can lead to relationship problems and loss of self-esteem and self-confidence

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Women have their own issues when it comes to hormone imbalances and we work with each person to tailor their treatment plan specifically to treat any deficiencies found in blood work as well as address concerns related to specific symptoms. In women, the delicate balance of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can be thrown off during menopause or as a result of stress or other medical conditions. Our clients can choose from a variety of hormone replacement methods, including creams, oral preparations, and hormone pellets. Replacing hormones that are deficient and getting the hormones back into an optimal balance can have effects on:

  • Improve or eliminate symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness & itching, and painful intercourse
  • Enhanced energy, mood, memory, and concentration
  • Improved sex drive and comfort during intercourse
  • Enhanced fat loss and muscle tone
  • Improved protection of bones from osteoporosis
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduction of risk of heart attack

What to expect at your hormone replacement therapy appointment

At Pulse Health & Wellness, we always check your hormone levels first to determine the level of hormone replacement therapy you need. Hormone replacement therapy is often combined with lifestyle counseling to increase your level of exercise, modify your diet, and incorporate stress management techniques into your life.

To learn more about hormone replacement therapy options and how HRT can help you, call Pulse Health & Wellness in Claremore, OK, at (918) 322-7400. Call today!

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